career vs job — getting the difference right

and why it is important!

Chhavi Shrivastava


I recently had some time off work.

When you are enjoying the good life of pasta and vino, it’s hard not to imagine an alternate reality where you didn’t have to do a 9–5 job.

Just be brand ambassadors of old money and quiet luxury. Have a few passion projects and divide your time being a board member, living it up like a digital nomad.

Of course, all this thinking led me to further thinking…

Do you love what you are doing? Do you see yourself doing it through next few decades? Where do you see yourself in next 5 years? What’s next? Are you on the right path?

One part of it was differentiating between what I want my career to be, and what my current job is. Let me explain.

careers are multi-dimensional

Google definition of a career is the job or series of jobs that you do during your working life.

Another one I liked. pursuit of consecutive progressive achievement.

In my head, and go with me on this, career is not one single job or work title. It’s a whole dimensional universe of all things you do using your talent, hard work and instincts during your life.

Your current 9–5 job is one part of your career.

Your side gigs. Your network. Your ways of giving back to the community. You learning new skills. Even what you do after you retire. Multiplied by years and seasons of your life. That’s the full big picture of your career.

your jobs should complement your career

Very simply, the jobs that you are currently doing should add to the big picture of your career.

Evaluating your current jobs becomes much more easier if you know where you are headed.

Is your current job helping you gain the skills and experience you need? Are you learning stuff you can use beyond that job? Does it feel like it’s bringing you closer to your vision or further away? Is it giving you time and space to work on your career?

My answer was yes to all of them. If your isn’t, time to tweak your picture or your job.

1 thing for your career daily

It’s the easiest metric I find to keep myself going.

Careers are long and winding I’ve heard, and you’ve got to keep the momentum going. Not to suit a corporate agenda, but to feed your soul.

Things like hosting a fab workshop, learning new stuff, writing a blog, sending out a cold message, updating LinkedIn, making a vision board, avoiding burnout.

We all do it here and there. It’s just more additive when done with consistent intention.

Hope this kinda made sense?!!!

This was first published on my weekly newsletter. Would love to have a place in your inbox.

Photo by Maria Orlova:



Writing relatable, non-fluffy stories on being a product designer. Senior designer @Bumble 🐝 Sharing behind-the-scenes at